
Pastor’s Ponderings

Coming out of the Wilderness

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
I’m reading through Mark’s Gospel as part of our Give me 5 for Lent, and I keep returning to the wilderness part, Mark 1:12-14. “How did you feel when come out the wilderness…leaning on the Lord?” So goes the words of the spiritual. The verses proclaim, “I felt brand new when I came out the wilderness,…


Be still

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
With the lower COVID numbers in the state (and Howard County) and the slowly increasing availability of vaccines, our Task Force has determined that we can again welcome small groups of worshippers to our Spirit Center for our livestreamed service. We will “open” on Sunday 3/14, and set an attendance limit (50). Masking, social distancing between…


Lent and Listening

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
As we work our way through February, I’m grateful that it is a month of love, and of course, chocolate! It’s also the month that Lent begins. And…for the record you do NOT have to give up chocolate for Lent. I’m not sure why that even became a “thing.” The two go together, love and Lent.…


“Give Me 5” for Lent

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
Lent, from the Anglo-Saxon word for spring, is my favorite season of the church year. It is a time of preparation for baptism in the early church, and a time to draw closer to Christ through prayer, fasting, worship and service to others. For this Lenten time, will you join with me in these practices, as…


Loneliness, Lent and Love

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
This weekend, there promises to be some activity at Glen Mar – come visit the youth bake sale in the Glen Mar parking lot from noon to 2 p.m. Proceeds will support the HoCo food bank and World Vision, feeding hungry people locally and around the world. We’ll also be collecting non-perishable food for the food…